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Proposing a novel minimum income standard approach to energy poverty assessment: a European case study

R. Barrella, J.C. Romero, L. Mariño

Sustainability Vol. 14, nº. 23, pp. 15526-1 - 15526-21


Energy deprivation can be identified as a manifestation of general poverty. Indeed, the former should be studied in connection with economic poverty since energy vulnerability is closely linked to a low-income level. To explore this connection, this paper proposes a novel Minimum Income Standard (MIS) approach to energy poverty indicators. In particular, this work applies the reference budgets method to the case of Spain and compares the obtained MIS indicator with one calculated using the Integration Minimum Income (RMI in Spanish) as a threshold. The results of the MIS indicator calculated with different income thresholds were critically analysed to establish a disproportionate expenditure metric based on an absolute income threshold obtained with an objective methodology. The outcomes show that the reference budget MIS indicators are generally higher than those obtained with the RMI, with the latter unable to identify energy poverty amongst certain household typologies. This result, together with the lack of scientific objectivity associated with the RMI, indicates that the reference budget MIS is more accurate when measuring an adequate minimum income. Eventually, this work might contribute to the measurement of (energy) poverty in Spain and the EU and inform policymakers to adequately target assistance programs.

Spanish layman's summary:

Este trabajo propone un novedoso enfoque de Estándar de Ingresos Mínimos (MIS) para los indicadores de pobreza energética. Aplica el método de los presupuestos de referencia al caso de estudio español y compara el indicador MIS obtenido con el calculado con los umbrales tradicionalmente utilizados.


English layman's summary:

This paper proposes a novel Minimum Income Standard (MIS) approach to energy poverty indicators. It applies the reference budgets method to the Spanish case study and compares the obtained MIS indicator with the one calculated with traditionally used thresholds.


Keywords: energy poverty; minimum income standard; indicators; reference budgets; Spain

JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 3,900 - Q2 (2022); 3,300 - Q2 (2023)

DOI reference: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.3390/su142315526

Published on paper: December 2022.

Published on-line: November 2022.

R. Barrella, J.C. Romero, L. Mariño, Proposing a novel minimum income standard approach to energy poverty assessment: a European case study. Sustainability. Vol. 14, nº. 23, pp. 15526-1 - 15526-21, December 2022. [Online: November 2022]

    Research topics:
  • Energy poverty: Indicators, policy and regulation